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Our clients

Because VAB-nutrition is often engaged on competitive and strategic projects, we do not disclose our clients’ names, in order to maintain all the confidentiality our past, current and future clients expect from us.

Thus, you will not find our client’s logos on this web site. However, the information below show the  variety of our clients, a large part of which have regularly renewed their confidence to us, on new projects or on long-term missions. We are particularly proud and happy of the numerous collaborations which have been developing and strengthening over the years.

Durant the past five years, VAB-nutrition has been working with more than 40 different clients, including a large majority of companies operating internationally. As an exemple, nearly 40% of our business in 2012-2013 has been performed outside France (other European countries, USA, Japan, ..). We mainly work for “Business to Consumer” companies, with some activity in the “Business to Business” sector, without forgetting our involvement near sectorial professional associations, at the French or European level.