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Publication of WHO European Regional Obesity Report 2022

Publication of WHO European Regional Obesity Report 2022
May 2022


Almost two thirds of adults and in 3 children in the WHO European Region are living with overweight or obesity.

Those striking numbers are extracted from the WHO European Regional Obesity Report 2022 published early in May. The report warns of the serious health risks associated with rising levels of obesity.

Among the top determinants of death and disability in the Region, obesity is described as a disease  that needs to be treated and managed, by creating healthy environments. WHO recommendations for healthier environments include: restricting the marketing of unhealthy foods to children, taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages and improving health system response for obesity management.

To get more information on the obesity figures across Europe and on the WHO recommendations, you could read the whole report online:

Author: C. Bianchi. May 2022.

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